
User Management

User Management helps you keep your sensitive data secure by controlling access to specific program areas, accounts, and PDF templates in Advisor View. You can create user groups and then set up roles and assignments that tell Advisor View which users or groups are allowed to perform certain tasks in the program. You can assign multiple roles to each user, and if you assign conflicting roles (one role grants access and another restricts access), Advisor View will err towards granting permission as opposed to restricting permission. For example, let's say you create a role to grant access to billing and another role to restrict billing access. When you assign both roles to the user, Advisor View will grant the user access to billing.

After you set up roles and assignments, the next step we recommend is setting up and assigning account sets so Advisor View knows which accounts your users and groups are allowed to access.

On the User Management page, you can set permissions for:

User Groups
May be assigned access to 0 or 1 account set
May be assigned access to 0 or more PDF templates
May have 0 or more users
May be assigned 0 or more roles
Account Sets
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
PDF Template Sets
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May contain 0 or more PDF templates
Must contain an “All PDF Templates” PDF template se
PDF Templates
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
Role Sets
May defined by 0 or more roles
A role set with 0 roles would act as a placeholder and does not make logical sense for assignment to users
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned access to 0 or 1 account set
May be assigned access to 0 or more PDF templates
May belong to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned 0 or more roles
May be assigned to 0 or more account sets
PDF Templates
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
Account Sets
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
PDF Template Sets
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May contain 0 or more PDF templates
Must contain an “All PDF Templates” PDF template se
PDF Templates
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
Role Sets
May defined by 0 or more roles
A role set with 0 roles would act as a placeholder and does not make logical sense for assignment to users
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned to 0 or more account sets
PDF Templates
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups
May be assigned to 0 or more users
May be assigned to 0 or more user groups

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