
The Clients Page



Search for a Client

Select Clients

The Alphabet Bar

Change Column Widths

Filter the Clients Page

Create, Edit, and Delete a Client

Post Announcements

Post Documents

Resend Password/Send Activation



The Clients page lists all the clients you've added to your firm. Clients are different from accounts, reporting groups and Households. A client is a unique contact—represented by an email address—for an individual person. Clients can be assigned to only one Household at a time. Clients control the email address of the client as well as the client view and report delivery methods for reports.

We recommend creating a client even if you don't plan on enabling client portal access. This will make it easier to take advantage of features we have planned for the future.

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Search for a Client

Use the Search clients box to look up a single client, based on the name. If you search for a single letter, Advisor View will show the clients that start with that letter—for example, searching for A will show you the clients that start with the letter A.

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Select Clients

You can select all the records by clicking the check box in the column heading. For more selection-related actions, including selecting a single page, clearing all selections, and viewing only the selections, click ˅.

To learn more about the Select All check box functionality, see The Select All Check Box.

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The Alphabet Bar

The alphabet bar runs along the top of the page. When you click a letter on the bar, Advisor View will show you the clients that begin with that letter. The alphabet bar makes it much easier to locate the clients you want to view.

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Change Column Widths

You can use the space on your Clients page most effectively by adjusting the column widths for views you own. Advisor View will save your display settings so that when you leave the page and return, your columns will remain set up in the way that works best for you.

To change the width of a column, place your mouse over the edge of the column you want to resize and your mouse pointer will change to a resizing pointer . Click and drag the column to the desired width.

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Filter the Clients Page

You can filter the Clients page by Saved Search. Simply select the appropriate Saved Search in the Saved Search list at the top of the page and then click Filter. For more information on creating Saved Searches, visit Saved Searches.

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Create, Edit, and Delete a Client

For more information about creating, editing and deleting clients, visit Create, Edit and Delete a Client.

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Post Announcements

You can post announcements to clients. For details, visit Client Portal Announcements.

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Post Documents

You can post documents to your client portals. For more information, visit Post Documents, Reports and Other Files to Client Portals.

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Resend Password/Send Activation

You can send password activation emails and re-send password emails through the Actions menu on the Clients/Client Portals page or on an individual client's Client panel. For more information, see Enabling Portal Access for a Client.

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