
Saved Searches



Create Saved Searches

Create a Regular saved search

Create a Temporary Saved Search

Create an Uploaded Custom Search

Create a Composite Saved Search

Structuring Your Searches

Copy a Saved Search

Share a Saved Search

Add a Saved Search to Your Dashboard

Run a Saved Search

Edit a Saved Search

Delete a Saved Search



When you want to locate an account or multiple accounts or groups, Households, or securities, consider using a saved search.

Using saved searches, you can look for entities that meet specific criteria. For example, you can use saved searches to locate accounts that are holding between $1 and $10,000 of IBM, or a Households with meetings coming up. By using saved searches, you can organize daily workflows to monitor records that meet your predefined criteria.

Saved searches are automatically stored in Advisor View, making it easy to access them later on. When you create a saved search, you don't have to fine-tune the search settings the next time you want to use it. Just open the saved search on the appropriate page, and you'll see the most current account, Household, or security that match the original search.

For example, let's say that each day you want to search for all accounts that have drifted outside of a specified tolerance range. You can build the saved search once and save it. Whenever you want to see the latest accounts that have drifted out of tolerance, you can simply choose the saved search on the Accounts page.

By default, all saved searches you create will be private and only visible to you. If you create a saved search that will be particularly useful to your colleagues, you can share it with others in your firm. Your saved searches will be grouped under headings based on type (Accounts, Groups, Accounts and Groups), as well as visibility/ownership (My Searches, Shared Searches, or My Shared Searches).

Once you've created a saved search, you can add it to your Advisor View dashboard for easy access.

Those of you who use Advisor Rebalancing will be excited to know that the saved searches you created in Advisor Rebalancing will be accessible from Advisor View.

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Create Saved Searches

You have the following options for your saved searches:

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Create a Regular saved search

To create a saved search you'll use long-term:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Saved Searches.

  2. In the Select a Saved Search list, click Select a Saved Search.

  3. In the Search type list, choose what kind of information will be searched:

  4. In the Search Name box, type a name for the saved search.

  5. Click Add Filter.

  6. Add the necessary search filter to the saved search. Once selected, additional criteria will appear. Make appropriate adjustments where applicable for each search option you add.

For detailed information on each of the search filters, including when to use the Use rebalancing group values check box and when to use the Use account group values check box, visit:

You can also use the following lists to show or hide search filters:

  1. To add a filter set, click Add Filter Set. Filter sets are essentially a search within a search - for example, you can use a filter set to find accounts assigned to a particular Allocation or Security Level model and have an account value of at least $250K and is holding either MSFT or IBM.

  2. Use the Match all/any of the following lists to specify whether the search results should match any or all of your criteria.

  1. When finished creating the search, click Save.

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Create a Temporary Saved Search

In some cases, you may want to work with a saved search for a day - for example, let's say you want to search for all accounts that are holding a security that you want to sell. After you sell the security, you may not want to keep the saved search. To avoid unnecessary clutter, Advisor View allows you to create the search for "today only." When you enable this option, Advisor View will automatically delete the saved search at the end of the day.

To create a temporary saved search:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Saved Searches.

  2. In the Saved Search list, choose the temporary saved search.

  1. Select the Save for today only check box.

  1. Click Save.

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Create an Uploaded Custom Search

You can upload a custom saved search. This is useful when you have a group of accounts that share characteristics which the available saved search filters won't help you find. For example, if you wanted to find clients who have upcoming appointments with you, you could create a custom list of accounts and upload them using the Uploaded Search data set. Then you could efficiently take actions on all those accounts at once, rather than individually.

For each account, you can upload the Group Name, Account Number, and/or Upload Account ID (this data is available on the Account Information bulk report). Once you've uploaded the search, you will see it in the Saved Searches list on the Accounts page, and it will be called Uploaded Search—Advisor View. If you have Advisor Rebalancing and you uploaded a saved search from that product, you'll see an additional saved search for Advisor Rebalancing (which you can't edit in this product).

Once you've uploaded the search, you will see it in the Saved Searches list on the Accounts page as Uploaded Search.


Any time you upload a new search, you will overwrite the former Advisor View uploaded search.


If your search contains accounts that are exclusive to Advisor Rebalancing, you will not see those accounts in the search results, but you will see the uploaded search in the Saved Searches list. Similarly, if an Advisor View user sees a search you uploaded, they will only see accounts that are available in that product. User permissions will also dictate which accounts you can see.

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Create a Composite Saved Search

For information on creating saved searches for use in building composites, visit Composite Saved Searches.

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Structuring Your Searches

When setting up your filters that contain filter sets (nested searches), it's important to structure the filters in a logical order.


Let’s say you wanted to find all accounts that are not assigned to either the “Portfolio 8” or “Portfolio 8 under 250” models, and you want to filter the resulting accounts down to only those that have at least one of the following keywords:

These filters will return the expected results:

The search settings below might seem like another option, but these settings will return results for accounts that:

Since you want to see accounts that are not assigned to one of the models and have one of the keywords, this search will not actually give you the results you want.


This search will return accounts with:


This search will return accounts:


Let’s say you want to search all groups for >1M and Objective is Growth.

You can choose the Group search type to get:

Or you can choose the Account and Group search type to get:

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Copy a Saved Search

Often you may find you want to create a number of similar saved searches. Saved searches that search for the same general criteria, similar settings, and so on. Creating these saved searches from scratch can be tedious, and you may forget to set some information.

There's a quick way to do this. Create a basic saved search template, and then use Save as New to create each saved search.

To copy a saved search:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Saved Searches.

  2. In the Saved Search list, click the saved search you want to copy.

  1. In the Search Name box, type a name for the saved search. Each search name must be unique.

  2. Click Save As New.

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Share a Saved Search

By default, all saved searches you create will be private and only visible to you. If you create a saved search that will be particularly useful to your colleagues, you can share it with others in your firm.

When you share a saved search, colleagues in your firm will not be able to make changes to the search. If a colleague wants to edit a search that you've shared, it's best to make a copy of the search and then make changes to the copy.

To share a saved search:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Saved Searches.

  2. In the list of saved searches, choose the saved search you want to share.

  1. On the Saved Searches page, select the Share saved search check box.

  1. Click Save. The shared saved search will now appear in the Saved Search lists, grouped under the Shared Searches heading.

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Add a Saved Search to Your Dashboard

You can add your saved searches to the dashboard. This feature makes it easy to find information that is relevant to you on a regular basis.

To add a saved search to your dashboard:

  1. Click the Dashboard menu.

  2. Click Add Report.

  1. In the Choose a report list, click Saved Searches and then click Add. Advisor View adds the dashboard module to your dashboard.

  2. On the Saved Searches dashboard module, click change settings button on the report module toolbar.

  3. Do any of the following:

  1. When finished, click Apply.

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Run a Saved Search

The following steps are described for an account saved search. The procedure is the similar for Household or security saved searches on each of their pages.

To run a saved search:

  1. Click the Accounts menu.

  2. Select how the saved search will be narrowed:

  3. Select which accounts will be searched.

  4. In the Saved Search list, choose the saved search you want to run.


    The search type previously set for the saved search will affect your search results—if it conflicts with how you narrow your search in the first list, you may not get any search results.

    For example, let's say you narrowed your search by Groups, and then you chose a saved search you created for SMA Accounts.

    If that SMA Accounts search was set to show only accounts, Advisor View won't be searching for any groups, so there won't be any to display in your search results.

  5. Click Filter. Advisor View will show the accounts that meet the criteria you specified in the saved search.

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Edit a Saved Search

To make changes to an existing saved search:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Saved Searches.

  2. In the Saved Searches list, click the saved search you want to modify.

  3. Make the necessary changes to the saved search and then click Save. If you're editing a saved search that a colleague has shared with you, type a unique name in the Search Name box and then click Save As New.

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Delete a Saved Search

To delete an existing saved search:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Saved Searches.

  2. In the Saved Searches list, choose the saved search you want to delete. You cannot delete a saved search that a colleague has shared with you.

  1. Click Delete.

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