
Advisor Rebalancing Search Filters

The following filters are available when using Advisor Rebalancing to create a saved search:

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Account on Hold

Finds accounts with the Account on Hold restriction, as set on the Account Settings page.

Account Status

Finds accounts with a status set to one of the following:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Archived

Account Type

Finds accounts with a specific account type, as set on the Account Settings page.

Accounts on Trade List

Finds accounts that are on the Trade List.

Accounts Rebalanced By

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that were rebalanced by a particular user.

Accounts Sent to the Trade List By

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that were sent to the trade list by a particular user within the date range you specify.

Accounts With OMS Orders

Finds accounts which currently have orders in Advisor OMS.

Accounts with OMS Trades Submitted By

Finds accounts with Advisor OMS trades submitted by a particular user within the date range you specify.

If the rebalancing group has an Advisor OMS order that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Added Today

Finds the newest accounts that have been added today.

Allocation Model

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that are assigned to the Allocation model you specify.

Allocation Model Outside Goal

Finds all accounts or groups that deviate from a single Allocation model you specify by a percentage that you specify. This search filter is similar to the Security Level Model Outside Model Goal filter, but looks only for Allocation models.

If the group is outside its model goal, all accounts in the group will be returned.

Allocation Outside Model Goal

Finds accounts either greater than or less than a Security Level model goal, using either the relative or absolute percentage outside of goal that you specify. This will return accounts and groups that are outside their model goal, regardless of Security Level model.

Allocation to Security Level Model

Finds accounts with allocations to a specific Security Level model you specify, in the percentage of allocation you specify. You can also use the Exclude Cash option to not consider cash as part of the allocation, to narrow your results further.

Allocation Within or Outside Tolerance

Finds accounts or rebalancing groups within or outside of their min/max tolerance ranges for either a Security Level Model or for any model relative to the top tier.

If the rebalancing group is within/outside its tolerance, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned. For rebalancing groups, this search option uses the target, min, and max values based on the relation to the top-tier model to determine if the account is out of compliance. However, this search option will not return any results if a submodel is out of compliance relative to its parent and the submodel is not a Security Level model.


Let’s say you set up the model below:

  • B AM and C AM have a min value of 45% and a max value of 55%.

  • B AM has a current value of 40% and C AM has a current value of 60%.

  • BC AM and A SLM both have current values at 50%.

The account will not be considered out of compliance because BC AM and A SLM are within their min/max ranges.

Alternate Security Sets

Finds accounts that are assigned to an alternate security set that you specify.

Approved By Level

Searches by the users that approved trades.

Asset Location Preference

Finds accounts which have been assigned to the specific Asset Location Preference label, which is set on the Account Settings page for that account.

Assigned to a Rebalancing Group

Finds accounts that either are assigned to a rebalancing group or are not assigned to a rebalancing group.

Cash Available for Trading

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups where the cash available for trading is within the values you specify. You can specify the values as a dollar amount or a percentage.

If the rebalancing group has cash available for trading that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Cash Outside Model Goal

Find accounts that have more or less cash than you specified as the goal for cash in the assigned model. This filter looks for cash and cash substitute values relative to the cash goal for the account or rebalancing group.

This search option differs from the Cash Available for Trading search option, which only considers the difference between available cash, cash substitutes, and cash reserves, regardless of any cash that is part of the model.

Cash Reserve Dates

Searches for cash reserves by a starting and ending date. This saved search will make it easy for you to identify cash reserves that will start or end soon. You can search for a specific reserve category or search across all categories.

Cash Reserve Goal

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups where the cash reserve goal is within the values you specify. You can specify the values as a dollar amount or a percentage of the account or rebalancing group.

If the rebalancing group has a cash reserve goal that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

You can leave dates blank to find cash reserves applicable for the current day only.

Cash to Raise/Raised Cash

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups with cash to raise or the amount of raised cash is between the minimum and maximum values you specify. You can specify the value as a dollar amount or percentage.

If the rebalancing group has cash to raise/raised cash that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Category Outside Model Goal

Finds accounts outside of model goal by total deviation at the category level.

Category Value

Allows you to search by a specific value, either dollar amount or percentage, for one of these categories: 

  • Asset Class

  • Sector

  • Subsector

  • Region

  • Security Type

  • Market Cap


Finds accounts and rebalancing groups assigned to the custodians you specify.

Custodian Fee Schedule

Finds accounts assigned to a specific fee schedule that you've assigned to that account. Fee schedules are set on the Fee Schedules page, under Setup.

Custom Strategy Applied

Finds accounts in which a custom strategy to generate trades outside of suggested buys and sells has been created.

Date Added

Finds accounts that have been created with the date range you specify.

Directed Trades Applied

Finds accounts with directed trades.

If the account’s rebalancing group has a directed trade within it, the rebalancing group values are used to create the directed trade instead of the underlying account value.

Discretionary Account

Finds accounts that are marked as discretionary accounts.

Fidelity Margin Account

Finds Fidelity margin accounts and non-Fidelity margin accounts in Advisor Rebalancing.

This search filter will only look at accounts with the Fidelity trade file format specified for equities.

  • Fidelity margin accounts. Advisor Rebalancing will identify the accounts where you've set Mark as Margin Account in Trade File for Equities/ETFs to Yes on the Account Configuration tab on the Account Settings page.

  • Fidelity NON-margin accounts. Advisor Rebalancing will identify the accounts where you've set Mark as Margin Account in Trade File for Equities/ETFs to No on the Account Configuration tab on the Account Settings page.

Group Name 1

Finds accounts where Group Name 1 is equal to the value you specify.

Group Name 2

Finds accounts where Group Name 2 is equal to the value you specify.


Finds accounts with or without holdings.

Industry Restrictions in Violation

Finds accounts with securities that are violating industry restrictions.

If any account in the rebalancing group has an industry restriction violation, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.


Finds accounts that are assigned a particular keyword.

Last Order Date

Finds accounts that have logged trades within the date range you specify. The most recent last order date of all underlying accounts in the rebalancing group will be used to determine if the account or rebalancing group is returned.

You can also use these parameters: 

  • If you want to find accounts without any logged orders, use the Before search option and specify today's date.

  • When you use the Within the last or Not within the last search options for less than 31 days, Advisor Rebalancing will use market days instead of calendar days.

Losses in Account

Finds accounts with short, long-term, or total losses in the account at the % of account or dollar amount you specify. This filter searches at the lot level to determine losses.

Losses in Model

Finds accounts with short, long-term, or total losses in the specified model at the % of account or dollar amount you specify.

If the rebalancing group has security model losses across all accounts that match the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned. This filter searches at the lot level to determine losses.

Master Account ID

Finds accounts with the master account ID you specify.

Model Min/Max Range

Finds accounts with securities either in or out of their model min/max ranges.

Negative T+1 Cash

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that have negative T+1 cash.

If the account’s rebalancing group has net negative T+1 cash, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned even if the account itself doesn’t have negative T+1 cash.

Non-Discretionary Trade Approval

Finds non-discretionary accounts that require trade approval.

OMS Broker

Finds accounts with the Advisor OMS broker you select. The Advisor OMS broker is set on the Account Settings page.

OMS Prime Broker

Finds accounts with the prime Advisor OMS broker you select. The prime Advisor OMS broker is set on the Account Settings page.

Open Orders

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups with open orders with a target trade date you specify.

If any account in the rebalancing group has an open order, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Order Amount

Finds accounts that contain an order for a specific security within a dollar amount you specify.

Order Date

Finds accounts that contain an order for a specific security within a time period you specify.


Finds accounts that either are prospects or are not prospects.

Realized Gains and Losses

Finds accounts that contain one of the following categories within the amount you specify: 

  • Realized Short Term Gains

  • Realized Long Term Gains

  • Realized Short Term Losses

  • Realized Long Term Losses

If the rebalancing group has a net realized gain or loss that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.


Finds accounts that have either been rebalanced or not been rebalanced.

Rebalancing Account Value

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups with rebalancing values between a range you specify.

If the rebalancing group has a rebalancing account value that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Reconciled Trade Amount

Finds accounts that contain a reconciled trade for a specific security within a dollar amount you specify.

Reconciled Trade Date

Finds accounts that contain a reconciled trade for a specific security within a time period you specify.

Restriction Violations

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups with security restrictions that are out of compliance.

Based on the criteria chosen, if any underlying account has securities that are either violating or not violating security restrictions, all accounts within the rebalancing group will be returned.

Securities Outside Model Goal

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that are holding securities that are either above or below the model goal. This can be defined in absolute or relative amounts.

If the rebalancing group has securities whose sum total results in the securities meeting the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.


Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that are holding a specific security. You can use the following parameters: 

  • If you want to search for accounts that are not holding a particular security, use the Holding less than search option and specify $.0001 for the amount.

  • If the sum total of security holdings for the rebalancing group level meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group are returned.

Security Level Model

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that are one of the following:

  • Assigned directly to one or more Security Level models you specify.

  • Associated to one or more Security Level models you specify via an Allocation model.

Security Level Model Outside Model Goal

Finds all accounts and groups where the value of a single Security Level model that you specify is either above or below the model goal, as defined in either an absolute or relative percentage that you also specify. This search filter is similar to the Allocation Model Outside Model Goal filter, but looks only for Security Level models.

If the group has any Security Level models that meet the criteria, all accounts in the group will be returned.

Security Min/Max

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups that hold a specific security and is outside of its min/max range.

Based on the criteria chosen, if any underlying account has securities that are either violating or within the min/max range of the model assigned to the rebalancing group, all accounts within the rebalancing group will be returned.

Security Unrealized Gain/Loss

Finds accounts which hold a specific security with lot-level gain or loss at a specific dollar amount, % of security, or % of account value you specify. You can search for one of the following:

  • Short Term Gains

  • Long Term Gains

  • Total Gains

  • Short Term Losses

  • Long Term Losses

  • Total Losses

Security Value

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups with security values within the range you specify.

If the rebalancing group has a security whose total value meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Short Name

Finds accounts with the Short Name field within the parameters you specify.

Tax Status

Finds accounts that either are taxable or are not taxable.

Total Deviation from Adjusted Model

Finds accounts which contains model allocations that are either a percentage greater or less than the adjusted model in the amount you specify.

If the rebalancing group has a deviation from its adjusted model that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Trades on Hold

Finds accounts with or without trades on hold.

If any account in the rebalancing group has trades on hold, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Trades on Hold Target Date

Finds accounts and rebalancing groups with trades on hold where the review date is within the date range you specify.

Unable to Rebalance

Finds accounts with rebalance errors. This search filter also includes accounts that have been saved but not rebalanced.

Unrealized Gains and Losses

Finds accounts that contain one of the following categories within the amount you specify: 

  • Unrealized Short Term Gains

  • Unrealized Long Term Gains

  • Unrealized Short Term Losses

  • Unrealized Long Term Losses

If the rebalancing group has a net unrealized gain or loss that meets the criteria, all accounts in the rebalancing group will be returned.

Upload Value Verification

Finds accounts where the account value in your portfolio account system differs from the amount Advisor Rebalancing calculates. You can specify the value as a dollar amount or as a percentage.

Uploaded Cash

Searches the cash that was uploaded for the account.

Without Model Assignment

Finds accounts that have not been assigned to a model.


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