
Enabling Portal Access for a Client



Enabling Client Portal Access

Reset or Resend Client Password



The last step in setting up a client portal is to enable portal access.

You can also use this option to later deactivate a portal—for example, if a client is behind on payment. By setting the Enable Portal Access option to No, you'll remove the client's access, and they won't be able to sign in. Disabling access will not remove any files, announcements, reports or any other information. You can re-enable access at any time and the portal will be exactly as it was prior to disabling.

If this option is grayed out, it's because a Household hasn't been assigned to the client on the Client Profile panel.

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Enabling Client Portal Access

Some firms prefer to do this right away when setting up the portal, while others prefer to set up the client portal and leave it deactivated until they meet with the client in person and discuss the settings.

For detailed information about enabling portal access and resetting client passwords, as well as client portal security, see Client Portal Security.

To activate a client portal:

  1. On the Accounts menu, click Clients/Client Portals.

  2. Click the name of the client you want to enable client portal access for.

  3. Click the Client Portal tab, and for Enable Portal Access choose Yes.

    When you choose Yes to enable portal access, Send Activation Email is automatically selected.


    • Clear Send Activation Email to not immediately send the client an email notification with the activation link.

    • To send the activation email later, select Send Activation Email in the client record, or click Reset Password/Send Activation on the Clients/Client Portals page Actions menu.

    • Leave Send Activation Email selected to immediately send an activation email with an activation link to the client.

  4. Click Save. When this change is saved, Advisor View sends the client an email with a link to the Set Password page. This link remains active for 72 hours.


    If your client doesn't click the link within 72 hours, you can resend the password:

    • On the Client record, select Send Activation Email.

    • On the Clients/Client Portals page, select the client record(s) you want to resend. On the Actions menu, click Reset Password/Send Activation.

    On the Clients/Client Portals page, the Authentication Link Expiration countdown timer tracks how much longer the link remains active.

  5. When your client clicks the Set New Password link, the Set Password page opens, where your client creates a new password. 


    There is no disclaimer for clients to activate the portal. However, you can enable dual factor authentication for further portal security.

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Reset or Resend Client Password

For details on sending portal activation and password reset emails, using the Authentication Link Expiration countdown timer, and more, see Client Portal Security.

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