
Learn More About Reports

Learn More About Bulk Reports

Learn more about creating and using bulk reports, comma-delimited reports you can pull which contain your Advisor Rebalancing data.

Reading the Rebalance Summary

The Rebalance Summary report is the most frequently used report in Advisor Rebalancing. This report allows you to review the results of the rebalance, edit recommended trades, add new trades and/or put trades on hold.  

Reconciliation Reports

Learn how to run the reconciliation reports offered in Advisor Rebalancing. These reports include the Bulk Reconciliation report, the Deleted Orders report, the Deleted Trades report, the Exception report, the Open Orders report, and the Trade Ticket report.

Rebalance Analysis Report

The Rebalance Analysis report is a summary of information for an account and contains sections of data from each of the detailed reports on Advisor Rebalancing, including the Deviation Analysis, Tax Impact Analysis, and Holdings Report which assists in account and trade analysis.

Deviation Analysis Report

The Deviation Analysis report displays individual accounts or rebalancing groups compared to their assigned model allocations. From this report, you are able to view information on security and account restrictions, sector min/max violations, security min/max violations, model allocation min/max violations and account allocation to the model.

Holdings Report

The Holdings report is a comprehensive view of the individual security positions held in an account. This report can be viewed both at the individual account level or the rebalancing group level.

Client-Facing Reports

You can generate a client-facing Rebalance Summary report at any time for your clients by clicking Client Reports on the Reports menu. The reports are based on custom templates that you create.

Tax Impact Analysis Report

The Tax Impact Analysis report shows tax-related data. The information is client specific, based on the individual client's tax rates and lot level holdings.