
Customize the Automated E-mail Messages that Advisor View Sends



Customize the Automated Email Messages

Send a Sample Email

See Which Roles are Blind Copied for Each Email Template



Advisor View sends automatic emails to your clients for new client portal setup, password resets, new documents and more. For example, when you reset a password, Advisor View sends an email to your client with instructions on how to reset the password.

You can easily customize these automated email messages by selecting the email template you want to customize and editing it—inserting merge fields as desired. This process results in personalized emails for your clients, which you can preview by sending a sample email for any specific template.

You can also blind copy different roles for different reports—for example you could blind copy Primary Advisor and Secondary Advisor roles for the New Client Portal email template, or the Secondary Advisor and CSA roles for the Document Posted by Advisor email template so that the appropriate people are always kept in the loop.

To learn about sending client password activation or reset emails, see Password Security in Client Portal Security.

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Customize the Automated Email Messages

To customize the email display name and message subjects:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Email.

  2. Complete the following fields:

  1. In the list, choose the email template you want to customize:

Template More Information
New Client Portal

This is the email that Advisor View sends to your client when you first create a client portal. This email contains the link to the create password page and instructions for signing in for the first time.

Client Password Reset Successful This is the email that Advisor View sends to confirm that a client's password has been reset successfully.
Client Portal Login Activated This is the email that Advisor View sends to your client confirming the portal login has been activated, and including a link to the login page.
Login Change + Password Reset This is the email that Advisor View sends when you change a client's email address and reset his or her password.
Login Change + Password Reset +Portal URL Change

Advisor View will send this email if all of the following are true:

  • You change a client's email address

  • You reset a client's password

  • You change the website address of your client portal

Login Change + Portal URL Change This is the email that Advisor View sends when you change a client's email address and you change the website address of the client portal.
Login Change for New Email Address This is the email that Advisor View sends to the client's new email address when the email address is updated. It simply states that the login information was changed.
Login Change for Old Email Address This is the email that Advisor View sends to the client's old email address when the email address is updated. It simply states that the login information was changed.
Password Reset + Portal URL Change

Advisor View will send this email if you reset a client's password and change the website address of the client portal.

Password Reset by Advisor

This is the email that Advisor View sends when you reset a client's password. This email will contain the link to the password reset page.
Password Reset by Client

This is the email that Advisor View sends when a client resets his or her password on the client portal.

Portal URL Change This is the email that Advisor View sends when you change the website address of the client portal.
Document Posted by Advisor This is the email Advisor View sends when you post a new document to the portal.
Document Updated This is the email that Advisor View sends the client when you update a document in his or her document vault.
Multiple Documents Posted by Advisor This is the email Advisor View sends when you post more than one document to the portal.
New Document Posted by Client This is the email that Advisor View sends you when a client posts a document to the client portal document vault.


  1. If you want to send a test email in order to preview the email before it's sent to your clients, type the email address in the Sample Email Recipient box. When you are ready to send the sample email, click the Send Sample Email button.

  2. If you want to send blind copies of client emails to Service Team roles, click in the Blind Copy Recipient(s) box and select one or more roles. You can also select the Custom email(s) check box and type one or more emails where the blind copies should be sent.

  3. Make your changes to the email template.


    Some sections allow you to insert merge fields, which behave like the ones in Microsoft Word. They are placeholders for data that might change in a letter - for example, client name. When you send the email, Advisor View merges information from the database into the appropriate merge fields. To insert a merge field, type it exactly as shown in the Merge Fields column, or highlight it and drag it into your content. We have put the available merge fields next to the content where they are most likely to be used.

    Your choices include:

    Field More Information
    {Client Name} Allows you to personalize the email. For example, when sent to Georgia Abbey, Hello {Client Name}, becomes Hello Georgia Abbey. This field will first name, middle initial, and last name if populated.
    {Login Page} Specifies which page you want the client to log in from (for example: "To view your portfolio, visit the {Login Page}...").
    {Client Email} Automatically adds the client's email. This field is especially useful if you're sending an email about a new client portal or a login change to an existing portal.
    {User Name} Allows you to automatically add your name. This field is especially useful in the signature.
    {Custom Signature} Allows you to automatically add the name of your firm for branding purposes and so clients know the email is a valid message—this identification helps prevent confusion if clients are receiving an email from an employee they are unfamiliar with. We recommend using the User Name merge field along with the Custom Signature field (for example: {UserName} on behalf of {YourFirm}).
    {Document Description}

    Allows you to automatically include the document description you added when you uploaded a file to the client portal. This field helps clients identify the files you upload, which is especially useful if the file name doesn't tell the whole story. 

    For example, you might have a file called 999123409312017.pdf, but in the description you can tell what it is: September 2017 Schwab Statement.


  1. Click Save.

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Send a Sample Email

To preview an automated email before it's sent to a client:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Email.

  2. In the Sample email recipient box, type the email address where you want Advisor View to send the sample email.

  3. Click Send Sample Email.

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See Which Roles are Blind Copied for Each Email Template

You can quickly identify which service roles are blind copied for each email template with the In Use report on the Service Teams page.

To access this report:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Service Teams.

  2. Click In Use for any Service Team, then review the BCC Email Templates column.

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