
November 2014 - What's New in Advisor View


PDF Reporting

Dynamic Report Updates

Add Account Custom Fields to the Unrealized & Realized Gains/Losses Reports

Greater control over the display of unmanaged assets on the Asset Allocation Report

New Start Value option for the Summary REport

Bulk Report Updates

Run Bulk Reports to See Multiple BIlling Group Adjustments

Run Bulk Reports on Securities globally Excluded From Billing and performance

Report on Historical Values

See Template Types on Bulk Reports

Accounts are now divided according to billing group definitions Within a Billing group

Household column on bulk reports

Improved display of symbols for exported data

Bulk Report Section Order Updated for Consistency

Billing Updates

Billing history bulk report updated

Accounts are now divided according to billing group definitions

User Management

manage PDF Templates as sets

Manage Roles as Sets

New user management Filters

Client Management

Security Maintenance

Market Cap is now synced daily

Account Maintenance

Household data syncs from Advisor CRM

Search Enhancements

Search for Securities globally Excluded From Performance or billing

bond ratings for saved search Filters

Saved Search Date Range Enhancement

Updated Saved Search Filter for Default Templates

Upload Updates

Globally Exclude Securities from Billing & Performance Using Data Uploads

New Billing Group Adjustments Data Set

upload Household names in bulk 

Usability Updates

Updates to the SEtup menu

additional space allowed for custom fields

jump to a specific page on multi-page reports

Discontinued Support for Internet Explorer 9

Composite Reports

New Defaults for Composite Settings

Learn More - Watch the Release Video

PDF Reporting

We are pleased to introduce the following updates to PDF reporting.

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Default Template Types for accounts & Reporting Groups

Sometimes you need more than one default template. For example, you may need different default templates for tax returns, year-end reporting, and Q1, Q2 and Q3 reporting. With this scenario in mind, we're pleased to introduce Template Types. Template Types allow you to specify multiple default templates for each account.

You will see a new Template Types option under the PDF Templates menu that allows you to create and edit template types (year-end, Q1, tax reporting, etc.) for accounts and reporting groups.

Once you've created the Template Types, you can assign a default template for each template type on the Accounts page by clicking the name of an account, expanding Reporting and then clicking Assignments.

Once you set up your default templates for each template type, you can generate reports based on the template type.

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Dynamic Report Updates

We are pleased to introduce the following updates to dynamic reports.

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Add Account Custom Fields to the Unrealized & realized Gains/losses Reports

Now you can choose any account custom field and add it as a column for your Realized and Unrealized Gains/Losses reports.

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Greater control over the display of unmanaged assets on the Asset Allocation Report

You now have greater control over the appearance of unmanaged assets on the Asset Allocation report. The following new options allow you to determine how Advisor View should present unmanaged assets:

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New Start Value option for the Summary REport

The Beginning Value row on the dynamic Summary report was renamed to Start Value to match other Advisor View reports. 

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Bulk Report Updates

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for bulk reports.

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Run Bulk Reports to See Multiple Billing Group Adjustments

As a result of the new feature we added to allow multiple billing adjustments at the account and billing group levels, we've updated our bulk reports so that you can report on this information.

When you create a new bulk report, you'll see a new Billing Adjustments report type. You can use the available fields to report on your billing adjustments.

We have also updated the existing billing bulk reports to support multiple billing adjustments with a comma separated list.

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Run Bulk Reports on Securities globally Excluded From Billing and performance

You can now globally exclude securities for billing and performance purposes. As a result of these changes, bulk reports with security data have been updated so you can see securities that have been globally excluded from billing and performance.

For these reports, you'll see the following new available columns:

If you want to use this feature for performance, please contact your Tamarac service team. This will require an inception sync.

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Report on Historical Values

For any bulk report fields that maintain history, you can now compare current values with the previous value. For instance, you may want to see how a bond rating has changed over the last year.

We've created Previous Value & Previous Value Effective Date columns that you can add to the Account Excluded Securities, Account Holdings, Account Excluded Securities, and Security Information report types. The column names are:

In addition, the existing bond rating columns and the previous value columns will honor the “as of” date of the report based on the effective dates for these values.

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See Template Types on Bulk Reports

As a result of the exciting Template Types feature we added to Advisor View, we've updated the bulk reports so that you can see all default templates assigned to your accounts and reporting groups. Each Template Type will appear as an available column for your bulk reports.

In the example below, Annual Report is a template type.

When you generate the report, the default template assigned to that template type will appear.

For example, let's say you've created a template type named Annual Report and you assigned the Cherry Street Financial Annual Report template as the default template type for two of your accounts and the Cherry Street Financial Tax Report template to one account. Your Account Information data set would look similar to the following:

Account Number Annual Report
999-1212 Cherry Street Financial Annual Report
999-1313 Cherry Street Financial Tax Report
999-1414 Cherry Street Financial Annual Report

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Accounts are now divided according to billing group definitions Within a Billing group

We now prevent an account from appearing under the applicable billing definition on your bulk reports or in the Billing History report when the accounts are part of a billing group and have a $0.00 billable value.

For example, in the picture below, Ralph Ames will no longer appear under Basic Billing Structure after this release.

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Household column on bulk reports

Whether you are maintaining Household assignments in Advisor CRM and syncing these to Advisor View or maintaining the assignments directly in Advisor View, you can view the Household data in bulk from our bulk reports by adding the new Household column.

If you have both products and you would like to enable the Household integration, please contact your Tamarac service team.

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Improved display of symbols for exported data

We updated our bulk reports to ensure that symbols (such as a trademark) will always display correctly when the data file is exported.

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Bulk Report Section Order Updated for Consistency

We updated the section order for bulk reports so the options in the Report Type list are in the same order for all report types. We expect this consistency will reduce time when looking for the fields you want to include in the bulk report.

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Billing Updates

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for billing.

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Add Unlimited Account & Billing Group cumulative Adjustments and set the order of billing group minimum fee execution

We have expanded your billing options so you can now provide multiple combinations of adjustments for accounts and groups on your billing statements. For example, a client could now receive an ongoing 5% group level adjustment for every new financial account consolidated to the firm, plus a one-time $500 group adjustment for the consolidation.

The new options we've provided allow you to:

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Globally exclude securities from billing and Performance

We have added a new saved search so you can find the globally excluded securities.

We have also provided new columns on the Securities page: Globally exclude for billing and Globally exclude from Performance. You can upload these values.

As a result of this change, you also have new columns for Non-Billable Value and Total Value that you can add for the following locations:

We also renamed the Account Value column to Billable Value for new templates (you can still change the name of this column as desired).

If you want to use this feature for performance, please contact your Tamarac service team. This will require an inception sync.

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Billing history bulk report updated

The Billing History bulk report has been updated so that you will always see the latest changes to bill amounts and allocation when you re-run a report.

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Accounts are now divided according to billing group definitions

We now prevent an account from appearing under the applicable billing definition on your bulk reports and the Billing History report, when the accounts are part of a billing group and have a $0.00 billable value.

In the example below, Ralph Ames will no longer appear under Basic Billing Structure after this release.

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User Management

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for user management.

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manage PDF Templates as sets

We expanded your options on the User Management page so you can now group PDF templates, similar to the way you can group accounts in an account set. Your PDF template set can contain as many PDF templates as you select, or you can select all templates if you want to create a set that includes everything. This change makes it easier for you to manage your PDF template permissions at the group level instead of having to set the permissions separately for each template.

The user group called All PDF templates has been replaced by a new PDF template set with the same name, and your existing permissions will remain the same.

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Manage roles as sets

You can now assign roles more quickly and accurately than before. We expanded your options on the User Management page so that you can group roles as sets. This aggregation will make it easier for you to assign roles to new advisors that join your firm. For instance, you can create a role set for your ops team that includes permissions for PDF Templates, and another role set that creates permissions for accounts. This way, you won't have to assign each permission for each user, and you won't risk forgetting permissions that you wanted to include.

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New user management Filters

We have provided new options for filtering roles, account sets, users and PDF templates on the User Management page. You can find these new filters on the Available User Groups tab for each of the following locations:

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Client Management

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for client management.

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View Clients by Household on the Client Management Page

You can now sync your Household assignments from Advisor CRM to Advisor View if you have purchased both products. If you have not purchased Advisor CRM, you can still manually add Household information in Advisor View. The Household information allows you to see everyone who has access to an account's client portal—including the client, the advisor, and anyone else who has access to the account information.

You can now see clients grouped by household on the client management page, even without the integration.

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Security Maintenance

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for security maintenance.

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Market Cap is now synced daily

With this release, your Market Cap data will be synced more often than before. If you have UM security detail sync, you will see daily updates for Market Cap, which now uses Bloomberg data.

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Account Maintenance

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for account maintenance.

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Household data syncs from Advisor CRM

We have added Household assignments in Advisor View which you can use whether you have Advisor View only, or both Advisor View and Advisor CRM. If you don't have Advisor CRM, but are using the Household label, the integration will sync those assignments as well.

> if you have Advisor View and Advisor CRM

You can now sync your Household assignments from Advisor CRM to Advisor View if you have purchased both products. Once you request that your Tamarac service team enable this integration, the Household assignments will sync from two locations.

They will sync from financial accounts in Advisor CRM:

To financial accounts in Advisor View:

And they will also sync from reporting groups in Advisor CRM:

To reporting groups in Advisor View:

When the integration is enabled, then the field will be read-only in Advisor View. This will keep your book of record as Advisor CRM and your data constantly synced across the products.

Household assignments sync after you perform the following actions in Advisor CRM:

In Advisor View you can see these assignments by adding the new Household column to the Accounts Page.

You can then view this data in bulk from our bulk reports.

If a client asks who has online access to their accounts, you can easily answer that now. We provided a new Household tab on Advisor View's Client Management page that allows you to see everyone who has a vested interest in that Household (anyone who has at least one Financial Account or Reporting Group in the Client Portal assigned to that Household). For example, clients, CPAs, and estate planning attorneys could all be listed, and you can see exactly who has online access to the account in that Household.

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> if you have Advisor View only

If you do not have Advisor CRM, you can still take advantage of the new Household field in Advisor View. The field will be editable in Advisor View, and Advisor View will be your book of record. Note that your Household names must be unique to properly display on the Client Management page.

You can upload the Household names in bulk to get started.

You can then enjoy all of the new features listed above—for the Accounts page, bulk reports, and the Client Management page.

To request this new integration, please contact your Tamarac service team.

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Search Enhancements

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for search enhancements.

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Search for Securities globally Excluded From Performance or billing

In this release, we've introduced the ability to globally exclude securities for billing and performance purposes. As a result of adding this powerful new functionality, we included a saved search filter that makes it easy to find accounts that have:

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bond ratings for saved search Filters

We expanded your options on the Saved Searches page. When you select security as your search type, you can now add a search filter for Bond rating. This filter allows you to choose Fitch, Moody's, or S&P, and you can then choose the ratings you want to filter by. For instance, you could search for Fitch bond ratings between A- and AA+.

In addition to searching by bond rating, you can now see how bond ratings have changed during a given period. We have updated the Bond Rating Changes filter on the Saved Searches page so you can now search for ratings that were:

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Saved Search Date Range Enhancement

We have updated all saved searches that allow a date range. The "days" label is now shown after the editable field to allow for a more natural flow of information.

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Updated Saved Search Filter for Default Templates

We have updated the filter that allows you to identify which accounts use specific default templates. For example, you can find all accounts that have an assigned template you no longer want to use. With the new Default Template saved search filter, you can quickly find accounts and reporting groups that are assigned or not assigned to a particular default template based on any template type.

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Upload Updates

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for uploads.

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Globally Exclude Securities from Billing Using Data Uploads

As a result of the new feature we added to globally exclude securities from billing and performance, we’ve updated the Security Information data set to allow you to exclude securities from billing in bulk.

The new column is called Globally Exclude from Billing. It indicates whether the security should be excluded from billing across all accounts.

If you want to use this feature for performance, please contact your Tamarac service team. This will require an inception sync.

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New Billing Group Adjustments Data Set

We expanded your billing options so you can provide multiple combinations of adjustments for accounts and groups on your billing statements. For example, a client could now receive an ongoing 5% group level adjustment for every new financial account consolidated to the firm, plus a one-time $500 group adjustment for the consolidation.

As a result of this change, we're introducing a Billing Group Adjustments upload data set. With this data set, you can upload information for account and group level adjustments.


You must upload all of your existing adjustments to know the priority order. The upload will replace all of your existing adjustments.

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upload Household names in bulk 

We added new Household features. If you do not have Advisor CRM, you can upload Household names in bulk to take advantage of these features, and Advisor View will be your book of record.

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Usability Updates

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for usability.

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Updates to the SEtup menu

We have updated the order of some items on the Setup menu to provide better organization.

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additional space allowed for custom fields

With this release, you are able to view your longer custom fields more easily. You can view more text and are no longer limited to 23 visible characters.

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jump to a specific page on multi-page reports

You can now save time when viewing multi-page reports. With this release, you can click to any page, rather than having to click sequentially through the pages.

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Discontinued Support for Internet Explorer 9

In an effort to incorporate the latest features of modern Web browsers, we’ll be discontinuing support for Internet Explorer 9 on January 22, 2015.


Please take the time to upgrade to Internet Explorer 10 or 11 and ask your clients to do the same. We are committed to continually improving the products and services we offer, and we want our valued clients to get the most out of the new functionality we are developing.

If you are using Internet Explorer 9, you may find that your client portals and some areas of Advisor View no longer work properly after this date. If you have any questions, please contact your Tamarac service team.

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Composite Reports

We are pleased to introduce the following updates for composite reports.

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New Defaults for Composite Settings

We updated the default values for the Composite Setting popup. The new defaults are shown below.

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Learn More - Watch the Release Video

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