
May 2013 - What's New in Advisor View


Easily Maintain Your Dates and Date Periods

Modify Labels

Automated Email Customization

Prevent Drill-Down for the Account Performance Report

Build Composites Using Saved Searches

Improved Usability for Setting Up and Maintaining Client Portals

Asset Allocation Over Time Report

New Search Filters for Saved Searches

View Net Income in the Summary Section of Your PDF Reports

Specify a Date Range on the Dynamic Income and Expenses Report

Permissions Update for Securities Page


Easily Maintain Your Dates and Date Periods

In Advisor View, you can quickly view reports for any date or date range for which data exists. The Dates and Date Periods pages allow you to create multiple dates and date ranges that you can reuse later on other reports. Over the years, some of you have mentioned that dates and date ranges that are no longer needed have built up over time from everyday use. These obsolete dates and date periods make it difficult to find the date or date period you want to add to a report and clutter your drop-down lists.

With this release of Advisor View, we've introduced some changes to help you avoid the clutter associated with obsolete date periods:

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Modify Labels

Labels help you organize your documents into categories — performance reports, tax documents, important forms, and any category you want. Labels do all the work that folders do, but with an added bonus: you can add more than one to a document.

We've offered labels in Advisor View for years, and the response has been great. However, a few of you wanted the ability to make changes to existing labels - for example, you wanted the ability change the name of your Documents label to PDF Documents. Before this release, you'd have to remove the Documents label from all documents that use it, create the PDF Documents label, and then assign it to the applicable documents. With this release, you can simply click an Edit button, type a new label name and you're done.

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Automated Email Customization

New client portal setup, password resets, new documents and more all require Advisor View to send an email to your clients. For example, when you reset a password, Advisor View will send an email to your client with instructions on how to reset the password.

In this release, you can customize the automated email messages that Advisor View sends—even if you don’t have any specialized knowledge of HTML. You simply type the email message in the email editor and insert fields from the database (much the same as a mail merge in Word or other programs), resulting in personalized emails.

For those of you that use single sign on (when your clients sign into your website, they will be authenticated in Advisor View as well), we're pleased to announce that you can now specify the website address of your portal. This change allows you to send clients to your website to sign into Advisor View.

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Prevent Drill-Down for the Account Performance Report

To analyze data on the dynamic Account Performance report, many of you click the to drill-down into the securities or holdings for the group. However, some of you have asked to disable the drill-down functionality of the report. We've listened to your feedback and Advisor View now contains this option.

To disable the drill-down feature on the Account Performance report, in the report settings, click Do not expand for When expanding a group, show.

After enabling this option, the Account Performance report will look similar to the picture below.

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Build Composites Using Saved Searches

In the March release of Advisor View, we delivered composite reporting, which gives you the power to create composites that follow GIPS standards. In this release we've made composite reporting even more powerful by making it easier to build precise composites.

Now you can identify accounts to add to a composite by using saved searches. Using saved searches, you can look for accounts that meet specific criteria - for example, you can use saved searches to locate discretionary, fee-paying accounts that have the same objective (such as aggressive accounts). By using saved searches, you can organize workflows to identify accounts that meet your predefined criteria.

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Improved Usability for Setting Up and Maintaining Client Portals

In the last release of Advisor View, we overhauled the Portal Account Setup page and gave it a new look. Based on your feedback, we've made a few changes to make it even easier to set up and configure client portals.

These changes include:

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Asset Allocation Over Time Report

Many of you have asked to view the asset allocation report based on new grouping options or over time because a client's asset allocation might change based on changes in his or her financial situation, age, progress toward financial goals, rebalances, etc. Advisor View now gives you and your clients the option to view this information on the Asset Allocation report.

To check out this chart, in the report settings, click Allocation over time.

In addition, you can now group the report by account, account type, objective, or tax status.

For more information on adding this chart to your dynamic and PDF reports, visit Asset Allocation Report.

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New Search Filters for Saved Searches

We've added the following new search filters that will make it easier to find the information you want:

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View Net Income in the Summary Section of Your PDF Reports

You now have the option to add a Net Income row to the Summary section of your PDF reports. Net Income is calculated as income (dividends + interest) without management fees and other expenses.

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Specify a Date Range on the Dynamic Income and Expenses Report

When working with the dynamic Income and Expenses report, you may want to look at a specific time period - for example, calendar year 2006. With this in mind, you can now specify a date range on the dynamic Income and Expenses report.

To check out this new feature, in the report settings for the dynamic report, click the date range you want in the Date range list.

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Permissions Update for Securities Page

On the Securities page, you can assign benchmarks and specify the treatment of securities as cash (This is useful for extremely liquid funds that a firm wants to report as cash and treat as cash). These permissions are independent of each - in other words, you can allow a user to assign benchmarks but prevent him or her from specifying the treatment of securities as cash. In this release, we've combined those permissions in to a single permission. This means that if a user has rights to assign benchmarks, he or she will also have rights to specify that a security should be treated as cash.

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