
Reading the Trade Summary



Locate the Trade Summary

Sections on the Trade Summary

Navigation and Filtering

Account Information

Cash Information


Trade Actions on the Trade Summary

Retrieve Custodian Values

Customize the Trade Summary

Add Columns to See More Data

Group Trades

Filter by Model

Color Code Buys and Sells



The Trade Summary is a consolidated report which summarizes individual trade, account, and cash information for a single account or rebalancing group.

While the Rebalance Summary offers a visual representation of trades, listed in context of models, the Trade Summary shows this information with more focus on specific trade and cash information. You can add additional columns to customize your view of trades and cash for individual accounts or rebalancing groups.

To view similar information across all accounts, use the Trade Review.

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Locate the Trade Summary

You can locate the Trade Summary in many different locations within Advisor Rebalancing that show account-specific information. To open the Trade Summary, click on any of the following pages: 


If the account has not yet been rebalanced, will appear instead.

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Sections on the Trade Summary

The following sections, as well as the type of information you'll see in those sections, are available in the Trade Summary:

Navigation and Filtering

At the top of the Trade Summary page are options to navigate, customize, and filter the trades you see on the Trade Summary.

The following options are available: 

Section More Information


The Strategy list allows you to toggle trades and cash information for the account or rebalancing group, using the following options:

  • Initial Account. When selected, you'll see account values and holdings in the account or rebalancing group as they are before trading.

  • Post-Rebalance. When selected, you'll see all values update to reflect the recommended trades being made.

  • Custom Rebalance. If you've edited a trade but haven't yet approved it, those values will be reflected when you choose this option.

Previous Account and Next Account

If there are multiple rebalances, the Previous Account and Next Account links make it easy to navigate to the Trade Summary for the next or previous account or rebalancing group.

Only show securities with buys or sells

Select this option to only show holdings which are being recommended for a buy or sell. Clear this option to see all positions in the account or rebalancing group, including those with no recommended action.

Show model-level detail

Select this option to split securities out for each Security Level model which contains that security. Clear this option to review net trades by security.

Approve Trades

Select this link to approve the recommended trades listed, if applicable.

For more information, see Approve Trades.

Add Reason for Trade(s)

Click this link to add a reason for trade note to the account or rebalancing group.

For more information on reason for trade notes, see Overview of Notes in Advisor Rebalancing.

or or

Click this button to add a note to the account or rebalancing group. This also allows you to add a trading note.

For more information on the types of notes available, see Overview of Notes in Advisor Rebalancing.


Click this link to view a visual diagram of the model assigned to that account or rebalancing group. This diagram also allows you to filter by model and provides summary information about that model's values.

For more information, see Filter by Model.


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Account Information

The Account Information section is collapsible and gives you high-level account information about the rebalance. It tells you the number of buys and sells, gives deviation information, and lists basic information like Tax Status and Rebalance Type.

The following information is available in the Account Information section: 

Field More Information

Asset Location Preference

Shows the Asset Location Preference setting for the account; this is set on the Account Configuration tab of the Account Settings page and allows you to customize asset location within rebalancing groups.

If you're viewing a rebalancing group, this field will show Rebalancing Group.

For more information on asset location preferences, see Learn More About Asset Location and Priorities.

Account Type

Shows the Account Type setting for the account; this is set on the Account Configuration tab of the Account Settings page.

If you're viewing a rebalancing group, this field will show Rebalancing Group.

Tax Status

Shows the Tax Deferred/Exempt setting for the account; this is set on the Account Configuration tab of the Account Settings page.

If you're viewing a rebalancing group, this field will show N/A because various accounts in the rebalancing group can have different tax statuses.

Rebalance Type

Shows the Default Rebalance Setting for the account; this is set on the Rebalance & Trade Settings tab of the Account Settings page.

If you're viewing a rebalancing group, this field may show N/A because various accounts in the rebalancing group can have different default rebalance types.

Rebalance Status

Shows the overall status of the rebalance. One of the following statuses will appear in this field:

  • Success. The rebalance was successful.

  • Warning. The rebalance issued warnings. Warnings do not prevent the account from rebalancing successfully.

  • Unable to Rebalance. The previous rebalance issued errors that must be corrected. Errors prevent the account from rebalancing successfully.

  • No Trades Recommended. The account was not rebalanced because there were no trades recommended.

  • Custom Rebalance. Custom rebalance strategy was used to rebalance this account.

  • N/A. A rebalance has not been performed on the account.

Trades on Hold

Shows Yes or No depending on if the account or rebalancing group has trades on hold. For more information, see Trades on Hold.

Model Deviation

Shows the percentage the account is deviated from the model prior to rebalancing, in absolute terms.

Number of Buys

Shows the total number of buy recommendations.

Number of Sells

Shows the total number of sell recommendations.


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Cash Information

The Cash section gives you high-level information about the cash and account values for the account or rebalancing group you're viewing.

Information about commissions and fees in the Cash section can also help you make decisions about the cost of trading.

The following fields show in this section: 

Field More Information

Total Cash

The total value of cash in the account, including any cash reserves.

Cash to Raise

The amount of cash the account needs to raise for cash reserves. This amount doesn't consider model cash, if any.

This total can also be seen on the Cash Management Settings tab on the Account Settings page.

Cash Above Reserves

The amount of cash an account has in excess of the cash reserves, calculated as (Total Cash ($)Cash Reserves Actual).

Cash Reserve Goal

The target amount of cash reserves. This amount reflects the total cash reserves amount set on the Cash Management Settings tab of the Account Settings page.

Cash Reserve Actual

The amount of cash held in reserves. This can be different from Cash Reserve Goal because of upper and lower thresholds of any cash reserves.

Sweep Cash Above Reserves

The excess amount of cash an account has available in an account, including sweep money market cash, calculated as (Total Sweep CashCash ReservesCash Substitutes).

Custodian Net Cash

This is the cash value from the custodian and is available if you have integration with the custodian.

Rebalancing Account Value

The value of the account, excluding any cash reserves.

Total Account Value

The total value of the account, including all positions in the account and any cash reserves.

T+1 Cash

The T+1 cash available after a rebalance. This is calculated as (Initial Cash + Value of Sells settling T+1) – Value of Buys, excluding fees.

Custodian Value

The account value from the custodian; available if you have integration with the custodian.


The total amount which will be paid to the broker for trades in equities and ETFs. These commissions are set at the account level using Equity Per Trade Commission Setting and Equity Per Share Commission Setting.

Total Redemption Fee

The total amount which will be charged upon the sale of funds.

Custodian Transaction Fee

The total amount of fees which will be charged by the custodian. This is set up on the Fee Schedules page under the Setup menu.

Custodian Values Last Updated

The date when the custodian values were last updated; available if you have integration with the custodian.


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The Trade Summary lists individual positions for the account or rebalancing group in a grid. This allows you to view and sort the information. You can also add and group columns to this report, allowing you to see and sort granular detail for every trade.

You can use the Trade Summary to review recommended trades, or use it in conjunction with the Rebalance Summary to get a full picture of how trades affect an account or rebalancing group.

For more information on how to customize this page, see Customize the Trade Summary.

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Trade Actions on the Trade Summary

The Trade Summary allows you to review, edit, and approve the trades recommended for an account or rebalancing group. You can take the following trade action on the Trade Summary page:

Trade Action How to Use More Information
Approve Trades

The Approve Trades option allows you to approve all trades on the Trade Summary, including any quick trades or any custom strategies you've created.

Approve Trades
Approve Non-Discretionary Trades

When you approve trades for non-discretionary accounts, you may see a warning message appear. This will require you to add a note before approving the non-discretionary trade and sending it to the Trade List.


To require approval for trades in non-discretionary accounts, select Approval required for non-discretionary accounts on the System Settings page.

Approve Trades
Edit Trades / Create a Custom Strategy

After a rebalance, the Trade Summary lists the ideal recommended trades for the account or rebalancing group. However, you can change the recommended trades using the Edit Trades link.

On the Trade Summary, you can edit details about a trade: 

  • Change the amount of the trade in Dollars, Shares, or % of Account Value.

  • Change the trade action to None to remove the recommended buy or sell.


As you edit trades, some columns will not recalculate based on your changes, but the Cash Information section will.

Manual Trades
Choose Lots to Trade

You can specify the lots being sold when trading securities using the Edit Trades link. Choosing the specific lots to be traded allows you to minimize or maximize the gain or loss you will realize after a trade order executes.


This feature is supported for Fidelity, Schwab, and TD Ameritrade. This feature is not available for trades processed through Advisor OMS.

Manual Trades
Clear Trades

The Clear All Trades link allows you to remove all recommended trades from the account or rebalancing group.

Quick Trades

The Quick Trades link allow you to generate trades on the Trade Summary page that weren't recommended. This allows you to create one-off trades within the account or rebalancing group.

Manual Trades
Place Trades on Hold

You can select individual trades and place them on hold for future execution. To do this, select the trade and choose Hold Trades in the More Actions list.

Trades on Hold
Add a Trading Note or Account Note

Trading notes and account notes allow you to add useful information about a trade, and you can add a note to the account or rebalancing group you're viewing by choosing the notes icon: 

Icon Meaning
This account has account notes
This account has no notes
This account has trading or order notes
Add, Edit, and Delete Notes


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Retrieve Custodian Values

For those of you with custodial integration, you can retrieve values from the custodian for custodian-related columns by choosing Retrieve Custodian Values in the More Actions list. You may need to add columns to the page to see this updated information.


Updating custodian values does not update cash or account information.

For more information on adding columns, see Add Columns to See More Data.

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Customize the Trade Summary

The Trade Summary page can be customized and filtered to help you review trades quickly. The following are ways to customize your view on the Trade Summary page.

Add Columns to See More Data

To add columns to the page to see more information about each trade, click on the bottom right. This brings up the Choose Columns dialog box.

Choose the desired columns you'd like to see in the Available list and add them to the Selected column.

Sort any column on the page in ascending or descending order by clicking on the name of column.

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Group Trades

You can group trades on the Trade Summary and Trade Review by any column heading. For example, you can group by Action so that all sells are grouped, all buys are grouped, and so on.


When you group your trades, all numeric values will be summed for your top three groupings with the exception of Model Max and Model Min.

To group trades on the page, follow these steps: 

  1. Rest your mouse over the column you want to group by. Your mouse pointer will change to .

  2. Press and hold your left mouse button and drag the column heading to the Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column area. Release the mouse button.

You can add further customization by doing the following: 

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Filter by Model

You can apply a model filter to the Trade Summary, allowing you to only see trades within the selected model. This can give you a more granular view of the trades being recommended on a model-by-model basis.

To filter by model, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Trade Summary. For more information, see Locate the Trade Summary.

  2. Click either the Select Filter link at the bottom or the model name link at the top right of the page. This opens the Model Diagram dialog box.

  3. Click the name of the model by which you want to filter your trades. This brings up a tooltip showing detailed information about the trades in that model.

  4. Click Filter Trade Summary to this model.


    To remove the filter and see all trades, click Remove Filter at the bottom of the page.

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Color Code Buys and Sells

Colors can be assigned to buys and sells, which enables you to quickly identify them and associate them with related trades.

To add color to buys and sells, follow these steps: 

  1. Click in the lower-right corner.

  2. Select your preferred colors on the Color for buys and Color for sells drop-down lists. You can choose any of the preselected colors. You can also click to select your own custom color.


    To remove the selected color, click on the Color for buys and Color for sells drop-down lists.

  3. Click Save.

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