
Reading the Trade Review



Trade Actions on the Trade Review

Dynamically Updated Values

Customize the Trade Review

Add Columns to See More Data

Group Trades

Filter The Page

Color Code Buys and Sells



The Trade Review page allow you to view recommended trades across all rebalanced accounts. Each row represents a recommended trade, and you can add columns to see additional information about that trade. You can take trading actions, as well as customize your view with additional columns and available filters.

Find the Trade Review by clicking Trade Review on the Rebalance & Trade menu.

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Trade Actions on the Trade Review

The Trade Review allows you to approve trades and place them on hold while also reviewing the effects of recommended trades across accounts and rebalancing groups.

Trade Action How to Use More Information
Approve Trades

The Approve Trades option in the More Actions list allows you to approve any trades within the accounts you've selected. Additional filtering allows you to see which accounts still need trade approval.

Approve Trades
Add Non-Discretionary Trade Approval

When you approve trades for non-discretionary accounts, you may see a warning message appear. This will require you to add a note before approving the non-discretionary trade and sending it to the Trade List.


To require approval for trades in non-discretionary accounts, select Approval required for non-discretionary accounts on the System Settings page.

Discretionary Account Setting
Custom Strategy/Editing Trades

You can change the recommended trades listed on the Trade Review page. You can edit the following details about any recommended trades by clicking the Edit Trades link: 

  • Change the amount of the trade in Dollars, Shares, or % of Account Value.

  • Change the trade action to None to remove the recommended buy or sell.

  • Change the trade action to Sell Lots to choose specific lots for the sell.


    This feature is supported for Fidelity, Schwab, and TD Ameritrade. This feature is not available for trades processed through Advisor OMS.

Manual Trades
Quick Trades

Quick Trades allow you to generate trades on the Trade Review page that weren't recommended. This tool allows you to create one-off trades.

Manual Trades
Choose Lots to Trade

You can specify the lots being sold when trading securities using the Edit Trades link. Choosing the specific lots to be traded allows you to minimize or maximize the gain or loss you will realize after a trade order executes.


This feature is supported for Fidelity, Schwab, and TD Ameritrade. This feature is not available for trades processed through Advisor OMS.

Manual Trades
Place Trades on Hold

You can select individual trades and place them on hold for future execution. To do this, select the trade and choose Hold Trades in the More Actions list.

Trades on Hold
Delete Trades

The Delete Trades option in the More Actions list allows you to delete any selected trades.

Add Notes

You can add an account note to any account or rebalancing group you're viewing on the Trade Review by choosing Add Account Note in the More Actions list. You can also choose Add Reason for Trade to add a trading note to the account.

Overview of Notes in Advisor Rebalancing


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Dynamically Updated Values

These columns dynamically update when you edit trades, allowing you to see, in real time, the effect the trade will have on the underlying account:

For more information on adding these dynamic columns to the Trade Review, see Add Columns to See More Data.


After saving edited trades, the dynamically changing columns may show a slightly different value based on whether there were any fees or commissions associated with the edited trades. These associated costs, as well as any changes in trade price, aren't considered when the columns update in real time.

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Customize the Trade Review

You can customize the Trade Review to see the information important to you and filter trades to see only those trades relevant to you. The following are the ways you can customize the Trade Review page.

Add Columns to See More Data

To add columns to the page to see more information about each trade, click on the bottom right. This brings up the Choose Columns dialog box.

Choose the desired columns you'd like to see in the Available list and add them to the Selected column.

Sort any column on the page in ascending or descending order by clicking on the name of column.

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Group Trades

You can group trades on the Trade Summary and Trade Review by any column heading. For example, you can group by Action so that all sells are grouped, all buys are grouped, and so on.


When you group your trades, all numeric values will be summed for your top three groupings with the exception of Model Max and Model Min.

To group trades on the page, follow these steps: 

  1. Rest your mouse over the column you want to group by. Your mouse pointer will change to .

  2. Press and hold your left mouse button and drag the column heading to the Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column area. Release the mouse button.

You can add further customization by doing the following: 

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Filter The Page

Filtering allows you to filter the trades you see on the page by the following criteria: 

Filter How to Use More Information
Saved Search

Select a saved search you've created or a shared saved search to only see orders in accounts that match that criteria.

For example, you can use a saved search to only view accounts with holdings over $500,000 or for accounts that hold a specific security.

Learn More About Searching for Accounts
Account Set

Select an account set to only see recommended trades for accounts contained in that account set.

For example, use this filter to only see trades in accounts for a specific primary advisor.

Using Account Sets
Directed Trade

Select a directed trade description to view trades created as part of that directed trade.

Learn More About Directed Trades

Type a security symbol in the Search securities box to filter for all trades involving that security.

Learn More About Securities
Security Level Model

Type the name of a Security Level model in the Search security level models list to view recommended trades generated in accounts that contain that Security Level model.

Learn More About Security Level Models
Approval Level

Filter results to see trades that require approval before they are sent to the Trade List. The approval level and system-level approval settings will affect how this filter works.

Approve Trades
Only show securities with buys or sells

When selected, this option shows only trades on the Trade Review. When cleared, you can see all holdings, including those without recommended buys or sells. These rows will show None in the Action column.




An advisor is viewing the Trade Review page but only want to view trades where she is the primary advisor and a custom strategy has been applied. This will allow her to audit the trades that have been edited today before she approves those trades.

First, she uses the Saved Search filter and selects a saved search she already created to only view accounts that contain a custom strategy.

Next, she uses the Account Set filter to only view accounts where she is the primary advisor. Because an account set has already been created to include all accounts where she is primary advisor, she can filter this account set across Advisor Rebalancing.

By using these filters, she is able to get a narrowed view of only those trades she wants to review.

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Color Code Buys and Sells

Colors can be assigned to buys and sells, which enables you to quickly identify them and associate them with related trades.

To add color to buys and sells, follow these steps: 

  1. Click in the lower-right corner.

  2. Select your preferred colors on the Color for buys and Color for sells drop-down lists. You can choose any of the preselected colors. You can also click to select your own custom color.


    To remove the selected color, click on the Color for buys and Color for sells drop-down lists.

  3. Click Save.

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