
Role Permissions Conversion



How Current Roles Will Convert

Previous to Current Role Permissions Conversion Chart




The following conversion information compares role permissions before and after the January 2016 Enhancement and is provided for reference.

For more information on currently available permissions, see Available Role Permissions.

As a result of the changes we've made to permissions in Advisor Rebalancing, there are more options available within the Roles page in User Management. Below, you'll find the Roles conversion chart which shows the new location and names of permissions as a result of the January 2016 Enhancement.

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How Current Roles Will Convert

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Previous to Current Role Permissions Conversion Chart

Here is a list of available role permissions before the January 2016 release and the location and name of those permissions after the January 2016 release:

Permission Locations Before January 2016 Permission Locations After January 2016
Account Maintenance
  • Accounts | Account Templates

  • Accounts | Accounts

  • Accounts | Account Sets

  • Accounts | Accounts Setting | Account Configuration

  • Accounts | Accounts Settings | Cash Management

  • Accounts | Accounts Settings | Model Assignment

  • Accounts | Account Settings | Rebalance & Trade Settings

  • Accounts | Account Settings | Advanced Settings

  • Accounts | Saved Searches

  • Accounts | Rebalancing Group Settings

Account Maintenance > Delete accounts

Accounts | Accounts > Delete accounts
Account Maintenance > Delete account notes Accounts | Accounts > Delete account notes
Account Maintenance > Edit account notes Accounts | Accounts > Edit account notes
Allocation Models Models | Allocation Models
Allocation Models > Add and save allocation models Models | Allocation Models > Add and save allocation models
Allocation Models > Delete allocation models Models | Allocation Models > Delete allocation models
Allocation Models > Manage allocation model access
  • Models | Allocation Models > Manage allocation model access

  • Setup | User Management | Models

Asset Location Models | Asset Location
Asset Location > Modify asset location Models | Asset Location > Modify asset location
Security Level Models Models | Security Level models
Add and save security level models Models | Security Level models > Add and save security level models
Delete security level models Models | Security Level models > Delete security level models
Manage security level models
  • Models | Security Level models > Manage security level models

  • Setup | User Management | Models

OMS Rebalance & Trade | Advisor OMS > Edit Advisor OMS
  • Rebalance & Trade | Rebalance

  • Rebalance & Trade | Rebalance > Allow directed trades

  • Rebalance & Trade | Rebalance > Allow trades on hold

  • Accounts | Saved Searches

Rebalancing Group Maintenance
  • Accounts | Rebalancing Group Settings

  • Accounts | Rebalancing Groups

  • Accounts | Saved Searches

Reconcile Rebalance & Trade | Reconcile Trades
Security Maintenance
  • Securities | Custom Settings

  • Securities | Restrictions

  • Securities | Trade File Group Settings

Substitute Security Maintenance Securities | Substitutes
Trade List
  • Rebalance & Trade | Trade List

  • Rebalance & Trade | Orders

  • Accounts | Saved Searches

  • Reports | Bulk Reports

  • Reports | Client Reports

  • Reports | Reconciliation Reports

  • Reports | Reports

  • Accounts | Saved Searches

  • Upload | Security Mapping

  • Upload | Upload

(Any user with upload access will have the “Allow all upload data set” permission granted.)

No current Schwab setting in User Management

Setup | Schwab OpenView Gateway

(This permission only appears if you have an enterprise with Schwab integration enabled.)

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