
February 2013 - What's New in Advisor View


Show Returns as a Percentage or Dollar Amount

View Historical Data on the Security Cross-Reference, Holdings & Asset Allocation Reports

Include Expenses on the Capital Flows Report

More Robust PDF Dashboard

Improved Display of Inception Dates

Enhanced Headers & Footers

New Global Document Access Permission

View Asset Allocation as a Bar Chart in Your PDF Reports

Show the Account Name Instead of 'Account' on Charts & Graphs

Usability Enhancements


Show Returns as a Percentage or Dollar Amount

For each date period listed on a report, you can now easily show performance and investment gain in the account. If a bar chart appears on the report, you can also control the display of the return.

Investment Gain is calculated as :

Capital Appreciation + Income + Total Expenses + Change in Accrued

To check out this new feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open the report settings for one of the following reports:

  1. For each date period and chart, click Percentage to show the returns as a percentage or Dollar to show the returns as a dollar amount.

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View Historical Data on the Security Cross-Reference, Holdings & Asset Allocation Reports

For those of you that take advantage of the Security Cross-Reference, Holdings, and Asset Allocation reports, you'll be pleased to learn that we've added an 'as-of' date to the reports, which will allow you to view historical information for any date. For example, you can run the Security Cross-Reference report to find accounts that held a specific security on a specified date.

To specify an as-of date for the Security Cross-Reference, Holdings, and Asset Allocation reports, choose the applicable date in the As of date list.

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Include Expenses on the Capital Flows Report

You can now include expenses on the dynamic and PDF Capital Flows report.

For example, let's say you want to calculate the contribution (withdrawal) rate of a portfolio. With this release, you can add the income tax withholding as a flow, so you can calculate the contribution rate.

Advisor View now includes any expense where you've selected the Reduce Gross or Reduce Net check box in PortfolioCenter® .

To enable this option, in the report settings for the Capital Flows report, select the Include expenses that do not reduce Gross/Net performance check box and then choose Gross or Net in the list.

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More Robust PDF Dashboard

Over the years, we've heard that many of you wanted an enhanced PDF dashboard section. You told us that you wanted more available reports and formatting options. With this release of Advisor View, we're happy to give you the power to add the following reports to the PDF dashboard section:

For more information about adding these new sections to a PDF template, visit PDF Dashboard Report.

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Improved Display of Inception Dates

When a client has a partial period return, you have control over how the partial period return appears in your reports. For this release, we've made inception dates display more consistently in your reports.

Partial period returns are most often the cause of account or security inception dates that are after the start date of a date period used in a report. When you select the Use inception date check box on a report, the return may be included in the report.

When you do not select the Use inception date check box and the account or the security data being reported has a partial period return, the column with the partial period data does not appear on the report.

For example, below are some scenarios that may occur on the Summary report when the account inception date is 9/15/2012 with return of 5% as of 10/31/2012 and the date period is 1/1/2012 to 10/31/2012:

Use Inception Date selected Partial returns option Show actual start date selected? 1/1/2012 to 10/31/2012 return column display:
Yes Do not mark Yes 5% 9/15/2012
Yes Do not mark No 5%
Yes Mark with dashes Yes -- 9/15/2012
Yes Mark with dashes No --
Yes Mark with footnote Yes^ *5%
Yes Mark with footnote No^ *5%
No N/A N/A Column dropped

^ New feature

In addition, when using inception to date periods for your returns, some advisors want the flexibility to show the actual inception date on the column header. With this release, you can show the actual inception date in column headings.

With this option enabled... With this option disabled...

By default, Advisor View does not show the inception date in the column heading. If you want to show the inception date, follow these steps:

  1. On the PDF Templates menu, click Themes.

  2. In the Select a theme list, choose the theme where you want to enable this option.

  3. Click the next to More Options and then select the Display date in column headers for date periods of Inception to Date check box.

  4. Click Save.

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Enhanced Headers & Footers

With this release, you'll likely notice that the user interface for building headers and footers has changed. These improvements are the last part of an ongoing effort to give you complete control over the appearance of headers and footers.

Highlights include:

We think you’ll find the new headers and footers are easier to use and offer many new features that you'll want to take advantage of. But if you're not quite ready to make the switch, you can still create headers and footers the previous way by choosing the Standard layout.

Learn More >>

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New Global Document Access Permission

In prior releases, documents could only be edited or deleted by the advisor that uploaded the document or by the advisor that "received" the uploaded document. Some of you wanted the flexibility to define a role that could access any document - regardless of the advisor that's assigned to the account.

With this release, we're pleased to announce the 'Global Document Access' permission. Users assigned this permission can edit or delete any document.

Administrators will automatically receive this permission.

For more information on user permissions and user management, visit User Management.

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View Asset Allocation as a Bar Chart in Your PDF Reports

You now have the option to view a bar chart on the Asset Allocation PDF report. This car chart shows you the allocation of the account vs. the target allocation.

To enable this option, in the report settings, click Show Bar Chart.

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Show the Account Name Instead of 'Account' on Charts & Graphs

You now have the option to include the actual account name instead of the word 'Account' on the Account Analytics scatterplot, and the bar chart, line chart, and table on the Account Performance section of the PDF Dashboard report.

With this option enabled... Without this option enabled...

To enable this option, in the report settings of the applicable report section, select the Use account name in chart legend check box.

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Usability Enhancements

We’ve made some additional changes to make Advisor View as easy to use as possible. While these changes aren’t as powerful as most of the new features we’ve added, they’re certainly worth mentioning.

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