
Asc / Desc

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic ✔ PDF

✔ Client Portal


Use this Net Worth report setting to organize accounts, assets, and liabilities in the order you want on the dynamic report, full PDF report, and in client views. You can sort by ascending or descending for any one column in the report. The sorting only applies to account, asset, and liability values; it does not include total rows. 

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Sorting and Grouping

Sorting applies to accounts, assets, and liabilities after they are grouped. For more information about grouping on the Net Worth report, see Group By/Then By.

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Sorting and the CSV Export

When you sort by ascending or descending on the dynamic Net Worth report, your sort configuration is applied to the CSV when you export report data.

For example, if you sort by ascending account name, on the dynamic report you see accounts, assets, and liabilities sorted in ascending alphabetical order.

In the CSV, you see accounts, assets, and liabilities sorted the same as on the dynamic report.

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Secondary Sorting

It's possible accounts or values you're sorting may be the same. For example, two accounts could be called Abbey, Georgia. In that case:

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Account Owners and Sorting by Value

When your report displays Account Owners and you choose to sort by a date period, the sorting is applied to the Total column. For example, a Net Worth report Column Display is set to Account Owners. You choose to sort by Show Values On by Last Market Close:

When you run the report, the report organizes accounts, assets, and liabilities based on the value in the Total column.

For more information about the Net Worth report, see Net Worth Report. For more information about assets and liabilities, see Learn More About Assets, Liabilities, Securities and Categories.

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