
Creating and Modifying Reporting Groups: The Manual Performance Panel



Use Manual Performance History Through

Return Behavior

Value Behavior



If you uploaded manual performance and have permission to access the Manual Performance page, you can edit how your manual performance will be shown.

You can use uploaded performance through a specified date and rely on transactions past this date for interval data. If the date entered is before the first transaction uploaded, the date of the first transaction will be used.

This Help topic discusses only the fields on the Manual Performance panel. It is available under the Advanced menu when you edit a reporting group on the Accounts page. For more information on editing accounts, including how to navigate to this panel, visit Maintaining Accounts in Advisor View.

See below for descriptions of each of the settings on the page.

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Use Manual Performance History Through

Choose the period through which the manual performance history will be used. You can use uploaded performance through a specified date and rely on transactions past this date for interval data.

This option is only available if manual performance has been uploaded for the account. The input box will be disabled if no manual performance has been uploaded.

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Return Behavior

This option determines when interval return values are recognized. Choose the point at which return behavior is applied.

Your options are:

List Option Outcome
Distribute returns evenly through each period

Return values for each day in the interval will be the same, and this will give you a smoother historical graph line.

Apply returns to the beginning of each period The full return value will be attributed to the first date in the interval time period.
Apply returns to the middle of each period The full return value will be attributed to a date in the middle of the interval time period.
Apply returns to the end of each period The full return value will be attributed to the last date in the interval time period.


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Value Behavior

This option determines when interval dollar values are recognized. Choose the point at which value behavior is applied.

Your options are:

List Option Outcome
Distribute value changes evenly through each period

Values for each day in the interval will be the same, and this will give you a smoother historical graph line.

Apply value changes to the beginning of each period The full value change will be attributed to the first date in the interval time period.
Apply value changes to the middle of each period The full value change will be attributed to a date in the middle of the interval time period.
Apply value changes to the end of each period The full value change will be attributed to the last date in the interval time period.


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