
November 2011 - What's New in Advisor View


Projected Income report

Bond Analysis report

Customize the columns on the Transactions report

Position Performance report updates

Dashboard Summary report section updates


Projected Income report

Over the last year, we've added several new reports that make Advisor View the most powerful reporting tool for financial advisors. Until now, though, you couldn't report on projected income. Today, we're excited to announce that we're introducing the Projected Income report. This report provides data on expected income from dividends, principal repayments, and coupons. You can view the report as a dynamic report or add it to a PDF template.

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Dynamic Projected Income report

To view the dynamic Projected Income report, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Projected Income.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Complete the following information:

Field More Information
Report name Type a name for the report.
From date Type a start date for the report. The default is based on the data as of date.
Show next

Select the period for which you want to run the repot - for example, you can run the report on the next four quarters after the from date.

Group holdings by Choose how you want to group the holdings that appear on the report. You can group the holdings by security type, asset class, sector or subsector.
Show subtotals Select this check box to include subtotals for the group.
Unmanaged asset treatment Use this list to specify how unmanaged assets are treated. You can choose to omit all unmanaged assets, segregate them in a different section on the Holdings page, or treat them as managed assets.
Mark paid with

Choose how you want to label paid income on the report. The default option is not to label these items. However, projected income will be labeled with an asterisk.

Mark projected income with

Choose how you want to label projected income. The default option is to label projected income with an asterisk.

Available/Selected columns

Choose the columns you want to appear on the report.

  • To add a column to the list, in the Available projected income columns box, click the column you want to add and then click .

  • To remove a column from the list, in the Selected projected income columns box, click the column you want to remove and then click .

  • To add all available columns to the list, click .

  • To remove all columns from the list, click .

  • Use the and buttons to arrange the columns on the report.

Combine group positions

With this check box, you have the option to view projected income for each security included in each underlying account, or you can view the projected income for securities held by more than one underlying account in aggregate for the group.

  • To view the projected income for a security in aggregate for the group, select the Combine group positions check box.

  • To view the projected income for each underlying account, clear the Combine group positions check box.

Include the following security types

Select the security types you want to appear on the report.

Include the following transaction types

Select the transaction types you want to appear on the report.

Include in dashboard Select this check box if you want to add this report to your Advisor View dashboard.
  1. Click Apply.

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Projected Income PDF report

To add projected income to a PDF report template, follow these steps:

  1. On the PDF Templates menu, click Templates.

  2. In the Select a template list, choose the PDF template you want to modify.  If you haven’t created a PDF template, choose Create new template.

  3. In the Add a section list, click Projected Income,  and then click Add.

  4. In the Projected Income section title box, type a name for the report section.

  5. Complete the following information:

Field More Information
Report name Type a name for the report.
From date Type a start date for the report. The default will be the as of date that is selected when you generate the report.
Show next

Select the period for which you want to run the repot - for example, you can run the report on the next four quarters after the from date.

Group holdings by Choose how you want to group the holdings that appear on the report. You can group the holdings by security type, asset class, sector or subsector.
Show subtotals Select this check box to include subtotals for the group.
Unmanaged asset treatment Use this list to specify how unmanaged assets are treated. You can choose to omit all unmanaged assets, segregate them in a different section on the Holdings page, or treat them as managed assets.
Mark paid with

Choose how you want to label paid income on the report. The default option is not to label these items. However, projected income will be labeled with an asterisk.

Mark projected income with

Choose how you want to label projected income. The default option is to label projected income with an asterisk.

Available/Selected columns

Choose the columns you want to appear on the report.

  • To add a column to the report, in the Available projected income columns box, click the column you want to add and then click .

  • To remove a column from the report, in the Selected projected income columns box, click the column you want to remove and then click .

  • To add all available columns to the report, click .

  • To remove all columns from the report, click .

  • Use the and buttons to arrange the columns on the report.

Combine group positions

With this check box, you have the option to view projected income for each security included in each underlying account, or you can view the projected income for securities held by more than one underlying account in aggregate for the group.

  • To view the projected income for a security in aggregate for the group, select the Combine group positions check box.

  • To view the projected income for each underlying account, clear the Combine group positions check box.

Include the following security types

Select the security types you want to appear on the report.

Include the following transaction types

Select the transaction types you want to appear on the report.

  1. Complete any other settings for the report such as the footer or borders and shading, and then click Save.

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Bond Analysis report

Many of you have asked for fixed income reports for bond analysis. With this release, we've released the Bond Analysis report. This report includes the option to list all fixed income securities with the yield to maturity and modified duration, at cost and at market value.

You can view the report as a dynamic report or add it to a PDF template.

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Dynamic Bond Analysis report

To view the dynamic Bond Analysis report, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Bond Analysis.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Complete the following information:

Field More Information
Report name Type a name for the report.
Dashboard view

Choose the sorting and number of positions that you want to appear on the report when it's added to the Advisor View dashboard.

Show bar chart

Select this check box if you want to add a bar chart to the report.

When you select this check box, additional configuration options appear.

In the Chart title box, type a name for the bar chart.

Under Chart orientation, choose either a vertical or horizontal orientation for the chart.

In the Select primary axis type list, choose the data you want to appear on the Y axis.

In the Select number of years to display list, choose the number of years you want to appear on the report.

Select the Include average line for secondary value if you want to add an "average" line for the secondary value to the report, as shown below:

Select the Show legend check box to add a legend to the bottom of the report.

Show ratings pie chart

Select this check box if you want a pie chart of the bond ratings to appear on the report.

When you select this check box, additional configuration options appear.

In the Chart title box, type a title for the chart. The name you type appears below the chart when you view the report.

In the Rating type list, choose from S&P, Moody's Rating, or Fitch Rating.

Group by Choose how you want to group the data on the report. You can group the data on the report by category, cost duration, market duration, or maturity year.
Categorize by If you choose Category in the Group by list, choose the category you want to group the data on the report by. You can choose from security type, asset class, sector, and subsector.
Show subtotals Select this check box to add subtotals to the report for each grouping.
Unmanaged asset treatment Use this list to specify how unmanaged assets are treated. You can choose to omit all unmanaged assets, segregate them in a different section on the Holdings page, or treat them as managed assets.

Choose the columns you want to appear on the report.

  • To add a column to the report, in the Available columns box, click the column you want to add and then click .

  • To remove a column from the report, in the Selected columns box, click the column you want to remove and then click .

  • To add all available columns to the report, click .

  • To remove all columns from the report, click .

  • Use the and buttons to arrange the columns on the report.

Combine group positions

With this check box, you have the option to view fixed income for each security included in each underlying account, or you can view the fixed income for securities held by more than one underlying account in aggregate for the group.

  • To view the fixed income for a security in aggregate for the group, select the Combine group positions check box.

  • To view the fixed income for each underlying account, clear the Combine group positions check box.

Show lot level detail Select this check box if you want to view detailed information about the bonds at the lot level.
Include in dashboard Select this check box if you want to add this report to your Advisor View dashboard.
  1. Click Apply.

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Bond Analysis PDF report

To add a bond analysis section to a PDF report template, follow these steps:

  1. On the PDF Templates menu, click Templates.

  2. In the Select a template list, choose the PDF template you want to modify.  If you haven’t created a PDF template, choose Create new template.

  3. In the Add a section list, click Bond Analysis,  and then click Add.

  4. In the Bond Analysis section title box, type a name for the report section.

  5. Complete the following information:

Field More Information
Account grouping Use this list to select if you want the individual accounts reported on separately, grouped or both.
Group by Choose how you want to group the data on the report. You can group the data on the report by category, cost duration, market duration, or maturity year.
Categorize by If you choose Category in the Group by list, choose the category you want to group the data on the report by. You can choose from security type, asset class, sector, and subsector.
Show color key Select the color key check box to include the color swatch next to the category name. You can set up these colors by clicking Categories on the Setup menu.
Unmanaged asset treatment Use this list to specify how unmanaged assets are treated. You can choose to omit all unmanaged assets, segregate them in a different section on the Holdings page, or treat them as managed assets.
Available/Selected columns

Choose the columns you want to appear on the report.

  • To add a column to the list, in the Available box, click the column you want to add and then click .

  • To remove a column from the list, in the Selected box, click the column you want to remove and then click .

  • To add all available columns to the list, click .

  • To remove all columns from the list, click .

  • Use the and buttons to arrange the columns on the report.

Show position detail Check this box to show all securities within each grouping.
Always show totals row

Select this check box to always include a totals row, even if the grouping only includes one security.

Combine group positions

With this check box, you have the option to view fixed income for each security included in each underlying account, or you can view the fixed income for securities held by more than one underlying account in aggregate for the group.

  • To view the fixed income for a security in aggregate for the group, select the Combine group positions check box.

  • To view the fixed income for each underlying account, clear the Combine group positions check box.

Show lot level detail Select this check box if you want to see the lot level detail on the report.
Show bar chart

Select this check box if you want to add a bar chart to the report.

When you select this check box, additional configuration options appear.

In the Chart title box, type a name for the bar chart.

Under Chart orientation, choose either a vertical or horizontal orientation for the chart.

In the Select primary axis type list, choose the data you want to appear on the Y axis.

In the Select number of years to display list, choose the number of years you want to appear on the report.

Select the Include average line for secondary value if you want to add an "average" line for the secondary value to the report, as shown below:

Select the Show legend check box to add a legend to the bottom of the report.

Show ratings pie chart

Select this check box if you want a pie chart of the bond ratings to appear on the report.

When you select this check box, additional configuration options appear.

In the Chart title box, type a title for the chart. The name you type appears below the chart when you view the report.

In the Rating type list, choose from S&P, Moody's Rating, or Fitch Rating.

Borders and shading
  • ROW LINES. Specify if you want to color the lines between rows, and if so, what color.

  • ALTERNATE ROWS. Specify if you want alternate rows highlighted and if so, what color.

  • 1ST-3RD GROUP TOTAL ROWS. Specify if you want up to multiple levels (up to three) of subgroup totals highlighted and if so, what colors.

  • GRAND TOTAL ROWS. Specify if you want grand totals highlighted and if so, what color.

  1. Complete any other settings for the report such as the footer or borders and shading, and then click Save.

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Customize the columns on the Transactions report

When you visit the dynamic Transactions report page in Advisor View, you'll see that you now have the option to customize the columns that appear on the report. You'll also see that we've added the following columns to the report:

To customize the columns on the report, follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports menu, click Transactions.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Choose the columns you want to appear on the page:

  4. Click Apply.

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Position Performance report updates

We’ve made some updates to the Position Performance report.

With this update, you can now:

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Dashboard Summary report section updates

You can now add the column Net Contributions column to the Dashboard Summary section of your pdf reports.

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