
February 2017: Release 2 - What's New in Advisor View


hide closed accounts in The account performance report

clearer setting to show closed accounts in PDF reports



hide closed accounts in The account performance report

We’ve heard that many of you prefer to choose whether or not to see closed accounts on the Account Performance report. For example, if you manage SMAs and frequently close accounts when you change strategies, you may accumulate many closed accounts within a reporting group. These closed accounts are not relevant to performance, and you would rather not to see them in the Account Performance report.

Before this release, on Account Performance reports you saw all accounts—open or closed—that had activity within the reporting period. With this release, you now have the option to hide closed accounts on the Account Performance report using the new Hide closed accounts check box. This will apply any time you set up your report to include account-level reporting.

Below is the check box on the dynamic report:

Below is the check box on the PDF report:

Note that performance calculations and account totals will still include closed accounts, so columns may not appear to sum if closed accounts are hidden.

For more information on how we handle closed accounts for reporting, visit Show Returns for Closed Accounts.

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clearer setting to show closed accounts in PDF reports

Some PDF reports do not include sections for accounts closed before the report date. If you want to see a section in the PDF report for the closed account, you can select a check box to include those sections. You might choose to do this if you are providing a client a quarterly report that includes an account that closed partway through the quarter. You can show your client the closed account's activity for the portion of the period it was open on PDF reports that generate sections at the account level.

Formerly this check box was named Include closed accounts. We have renamed it to Include reports for closed accounts to clarify that you select this check box to see individual report sections for closed accounts for certain PDF reports.

For more information on how we handle closed accounts for reporting, visit Show Returns for Closed Accounts.


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