
Models & Categories Dashboard Widget




Underlying Accounts


Change the Display Name

Change Your Viewing Options

Add or Remove Columns from the Widget

Set a Page Link



The Models & Categories widget is powerful tool that allows you to look across a wide range of accounts and make decisions based on what you see. The widget shows a pie chart that you can customize to either show model or category data. You can view underlying accounts immediately without navigating away from the dashboard. You can also add and remove columns and set page links to further customize what information you see in the chart.

You can interact with the pie chart. Click on a pie piece to view a tooltip showing you value information for that model or category. This also highlights the corresponding information in the table.

Because the widget is customizable, you can use the Models & Categories widget as a heads-up display showing items that need to be done. For example, you can sort the chart to show the most deviated models and take action on accounts assigned to that model.

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The Account Reports section of the dashboard shows a summary of information for your accounts in Advisor Rebalancing.

You can filter the information you see within Account Reports widgets in the following ways: 

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Underlying Accounts

You can view the underlying accounts immediately without having to navigate away from the Dashboard. To view these accounts, click the icon. This opens a dialog box showing the accounts associated with that model or category.

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You can customize the information you see on the Models & Categories widget in the following ways.

Change the Display Name

To change how the name that appears on the widget, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Dashboard.

  2. Click to open settings for the Models & Categories widget.

  3. In Report Name, type the appropriate display name. You can use up to 128 characters.

  4. Click Save.

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Change Your Viewing Options

To change the way the Models & Categories widget is grouped and sorted, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Dashboard.

  2. Click to open settings for the Models & Categories widget.

  3. Change Grouping level to your preferred method of grouping. This option determines the data you will see on the widget.

    Option More Information
    Assigned model This groups all data you see by models assigned to your accounts
    Category type This groups all data you see by security category


  4. Change your View option to either show Top 10 or Top 20 results.

  5. In the Order by list, choose the criteria which you 'd like to sort your chart against. For example, choosing Accounts sorts your model or category results by the number of accounts that applies.

  6. Choose either Ascending or Descending to sort your results.

  7. Click Save.

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Add or Remove Columns from the Widget

To change the visible columns, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Dashboard.

  2. Click to open settings for the Models & Categories widget.

  3. In the Optional Columns section, choose the appropriate column.

    Column More Information
    Accounts The number of accounts associated with that model or category.
    Avg Initial Deviation The initial deviation for that model or category as the sum of the initial deviation divided by the number of accounts or rebalancing groups.
    Avg Post-Rebalance Deviation The post-rebalance deviation for that model or category as the sum of the post-rebalance deviation divided by the number of accounts and rebalancing groups.
    Groups The number of rebalancing groups associated with that model or category.
    Value The sum of the allocated value for that model or category.
  4. Click Save.

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Set a Page Link

You can set links within your models or categories, and these links can be set to go to the page in Advisor Rebalancing that you specify. When you click on a page link you've set in the widget, it will take you to your specified page and automatically creates a custom account set containing the underlying accounts.

To set custom page links, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Dashboard.

  2. Click to open settings for the Models & Categories widget.

  3. Select the appropriate page link in the Account Page Link list.

  4. Click Save.

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